London Hat Week 2019 #lhw


Come April, London is buzzing with hats for London Hat Week! Sadly, we couldn’t partake in all of the amazing courses and events offered during this glorious week, we were busy moving house, but we were beyond honour to be selected and featured in the Great Hat Exhibition of 2019! The theme this year is ‘World Gardens’ which had us elated because we recently made a trip to Mexico to visit friend and milliner Sofia Romero. The grounds surrounding her home were magical and constantly stirred the imagination. The picture above was taken on this trip and used as inspiration for the creation of our featured hat, ‘Sofia’s Garden’.

For more information regarding previous and future London Hat Week exhibitions and events, please check out X Terrace fashion platform and the official London Hat Week page.

Date: 3rd April – 12th April 2019

Time: Mon-Sat 11:00 - 18:00, Closed Sundays

Location: The Menier Gallery

Kelly Morgan